The Armourer covers battles and campaigns including features on collecting medals, weapons, uniforms and equipment.
The Armourer
militarianews • Duncan Evans reports on what’s happening in the world of military history and collecting
Queensland auction outrage
In the sale rooms • The weapons, uniforms, medals and militaria coming up for auction
Ratisbon’s 53rd Contemporary
Big Four at Hermann Historica
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Under the hammer • Duncan Evans reports on the latest militaria sold at auctions around the country
East Bristol’s online auction
The Kaiser’s Battle • Graham Caldwell explains how Germany raced to win the war, with half a million men transferred from the Eastern to the Western Front
Reading for the troops • Books and magazines were just as important as ammunition to the Allied infantryman, as Robbie McGuire explains
Webbing of WWI: Austria-Hungary • Edward Hallett continues his series on Great War personal equipment by looking at Austria-Hungary
Cities at war: Amsterdam • An initially benign occupation of the Dutch capital by the Nazis descended into oppression, as Jonathan Trigg explains
The Blood Order • Duncan Evans takes a look at one of the most cherished awards of Hitler’s NSDAP
The bayonet to stop the Nazi tide • Graham Priest takes a look at the No.4 Mk II* bayonet, introduced in Britain’s darkest hour
The Deccan Medal, 1784 • Peter Duckers explains how the East India Company led the way for a campaign medal
King George V class ships • Mark Wood takes a look at the battleships of the King George V class in this preview of the new Battleships of WWII bookazine
The Cawnpore Massacre 1857 • Graham Priest takes a look at one of the most shocking incidents in the Indian Mutiny and the weapons that were used
Collecting the Kaiser’s Battle • Edward Hallett explores some late World War I collectables on the market at the moment
THE MEN BEHIND THE GUN: More cartridge Colts • John Walter tells the story of Charles Richards and William Mason
The Photo Inspector • Ray Westlake looks at the Welsh Border Mounted Brigade Transport and Supply Column, Army Service Corps (Territorial Force)
reviewsroundup • Duncan Evans reviews the latest releases in the world of military history and collecting
yourletters • Let us know what you think of your favourite militaria magazine or ask other readers a question
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