Written by Land Rover enthusiasts who live the Land Rover Life, every quarterly issue is packed with great Land Rover builds from concours rebuilds to outrageously modified, classic Land Rovers, honest reviews of the latest Land Rovers and Range Rovers, greenlaning along roads less travelled, Land Rover adventures from around the world, buying and selling advice from our expert team, advice on keeping your Land Rover running smoothly, product upgrades, parts and new accessories, plus tried and tested reviews and much more!
Every trip an adventure
Land Rover Life
Here comes the sun… • Driven by the desire for a unique open-top Defender to tackle adventures in Corsica, Thierry Mars turned to renowned French specialist Land Rêvé to bring a perfect blend of practicality, originality, and off-road prowess
Your Pictures • Show us what you’re up to; we’ll print a selection every issueSend your pics (as big as possible, please) to Neil: landroverwatty@gmail.com
Latest products • The latest tools, equipment and gadgets in the Land Rover marketplace
Tried & Tested • There’s nothing quite like assessing products in real world conditions
Get out there: go clubbing
Pub meets: making the most of it
300 MILE TEST 2023 DEFENDER 130 D300 X-DYNAMIC HSE 8-SEATER Vroom for one more • The new Defender 130 has bags more space than a 110, but do you need eight seats? Neil Watterson finds out
Stars of the summer • Offering epic private estate tracks, live music and camping, Land Rover Experience Scotland’s Under the Stars Adventure Trek weekend is a big hit, says Neil Watterson
Cooking on the Hoof • Yes, you can still enjoy pizza on your travels
Delightful Derbyshire Dales • The Series 2 Club held its annual rally in Derbyshire, so Neil Watterson went along and enjoyed the greenlanes
OUTBACK AND BEYOND • John Pearson marvels at the wilderness during a near-1500-mile adventure along some of Australia’s most iconic 4WD tracks
The good Bäd Wolf • Brian Hartley heads to Bradford to check out a breathtaking Series II rebuild
Roverphile • Weird and wonderful items from the archives of the world’s leading Land Rover historian
Travellers reunited • Fifty years after making the journey from Tanzania to Sweden, Torbjörn Andreasson manages to track down the 88-inch Series II that was his home for three months
A Land Rover for all reasons • Most Series Land Rovers enjoy an easy life these days but, as seasoned Land Rover driver Brian Hartley explains, things were very different when he began working
Your Land Rovers • Show us your Land Rover; we’ll print a selection every issueSend your story and pics to Neil: landroverwatty@gmail.com
It started so well… • Jess Jackson and Laurens de Smet find that no matter how much you prepare, things can still go wrong
Getting Sporty • Frank Elson has been an off-roader for most of his life and owned numerous Land Rovers and Range Rovers Visit his online blog: frankelson.home.blog
New Love • James Taylor risks a more modern Land Rover, and thinks it might be a winner
It’s (not) a harsh life • In preparation for a trip to Spain, Neil Watterson decides to re-bush his Defender’s suspension – and finds it was worse than expected
Ask Land Rover Life • Got a Land Rover-related question you’d like an answer to? It can be anything from workshop issues you’re having, to accessory queries. Drop Neil a line – email: landroverwatty@gmail.com – and we’ll get an answer for you
Get more power from your Td5 • With one Land Rover currently off the road, Helen Tait Wright decides to give her Discovery more oomph ready for her upcoming adventures
Next issue • On sale 6 December...