Three months. One contract. Will it be enough to save a marriage of twenty-eight years? Walter Winslow thoroughly enjoyed his orderly and predictable life. He left for work at exactly the same time each day, ate the same thing for lunch, and returned home to revel in the comfort of a home-cooked meal and his favorite programming on the telly. Though not particularly thrilling, his life was utterly comfortable. That is, until one day, Wendy— his wife of twenty-eight years— asked for a divorce. Wendy Winslow had spent her life doing exactly what was expected of her. She got an education, married a sensible man, birthed two lovely boys, raised them to adulthood, moved across the Atlantic to Colorado to be a part of their lives, and then... she had no idea what came next. Somehow, in the child-rearing and homemaking, she'd forgotten everything about herself and then some. Now living in a strange country with a life that felt anything like her own, she desperately needed to rewrite her story... and was fairly sure there was no room for Walter in it. In a hail-Mary attempt to salvage their marriage, Walter proposed a three-month do-over in what he knew was Wendy's dream location: Paris. With contract in hand, Walter makes the most terrifying leap of his life to chase the woman he thought he'd be with forever. But it may be too little, too late.
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