Each book in the W(edd)ing Woman series can be read as a standalone novel.
Penny is a couples mediator by day, a wedding planner by night, and a happily married person most of the time. Penny's pretty pleased with herself.
But this book is not about Penny. She is a mere vessel in the story of her little sister, Raya. Raya's had one too many failed online dates. She's not so sure about the dating thing, or the stranger thing. Really, anything outside of her current bubble. Penny ignores this in her quest to embark on a new wing woman experiment: setting Raya up at the weddings she plans. Things get weird fast.
You may like this book if you like: (1) wedding tips; (2) mediation tips that might backfire; (3) prowling tips that might also backfire; (4) fun facts; and/or, (5) not-so-fun-facts wrapped in a joke sandwich to ease the existential pain.