Oral English Simplified: A Reliable Guide for Schools and Colleges is a reliable manual and do-it-yourself book on Oral English. It is useful for students in high and tertiary schools, and all lovers of spoken English.
It also makes all aspects of Test of Orals as simple as ABC. More importantly, it cleverly explains the fundamentals of English Phonetics and Phonology courses in tertiary institutions.
In this book:
There are so many other things contained in the book which include:
1. The book contains general important advice on spoken English that you would really need to know.
2. Apart from the fact that you will see consonant cluster at the word initial position (onset) up to 3 consonant sounds and at the word final position (coda) up to 4 consonant sounds, you will also see that there are consonant cluster at word medial position up to 5 consonant sounds. That is, you will see words with cluster of 5 consonant sounds at medial position without any vowel sound in between.
3. There are syllabic consonants /n/ and /l/. In the book, you will also see syllabic consonants /m/, /r/, and /ŋ/.
4. The discussion on emphatic stress is excellent. Four (4) formulas/rules of emphatic stress are revealed in the book.
5. Impressive discussion on inflectional endings is contained in the book.
6. Is it on word stress? The treatment of the rules that guide word stress is exceptional. The word 'fluorescence' is stressed as 'fluo-RESC-ence' with the stress on the second syllable. When a word that contains more than one syllable is pronounced, one of its syllables must be pronounced with extra force. The rules that guide word stress are in this book.
7. In the book, you will discover rules or formulas for pronouncing many sounds. For instance, you will see why the 's' in 'mansion' and the 's' in 'erosion' do not have the same sound.
8. All the things mentioned above and many more are in the book.
You can afford to buy this book. Get it now for yourself and/or your children and/or your loved ones.